Hello! Below is the link to the November MCE Memo. Everyone at MCE wishes you and your family a wonderful holiday season!

Attention Science Fair Participants!
Your permission slip is due this Friday, December 2, to receive 10 extra points on your score. You can find the permission slip on the last page of the packet that was sent home. If you need a new permission slip, please contact the office.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you enjoy a holiday full of family, friends, and great food! I am thankful for everyone at MCE, it is truly a great pleace to work, learn and grow!

Our 4th and 5th graders will present "Abiyoyo" tonight at 6:00. We hope to see everyone there!

In honor of Veteran's Day, Friday, November 11th is red, white, and blue day at MCE.

Just a reminder, Bobo's Fundraiser pick-up is Tuesday, November 8th from 4:00-6:00 pm in the MCE cafeteria.

Picture Retakes are Friday, November 4th for any Montgomery City Elementary student who was absent or who would like to have their picture taken. If you would like for your child to participate in retakes, please return their original picture packet to school.

Happy Halloween from everyone at MCE! Have a fun and safe Halloween, we will see you tomorrow!

Congratulations to our Hero Night Crazy Hay winner!

Look who was in the office today...for a positive office referral! This fourth grader always shows responsibility and respect. He paused for the pledge while walking down the hallway. We are proud to call him a Wildcat!

Our Wildcats develop more than a passion for reading during library time. These 4th graders built a remote control car at the library's maker's space. Way to go Wildcats!

This 4th grader received a positive office referral for always being willing to help a peer! She is a great role model and MCE is lucky to have her!

Event #4- We wrapped up our week with Friday Night Under the Lights. More fun, smiles, and memories were made. We are thankful for beautiful weather and time to relax together.
It was a great week to be a Wildcat!

Don't these sweet smiles these little cupcakes say they had a great fall party?

Event #3- Classroom parties brough more smiles and laughter to MCE on Friday! We are thankful for being able to learn, grow and play together!
Thanks to all of our mummies, dads, and teachers for planning fantastic fall celebrations!

Event #2- GRANDs day was truly grand! We had over 400 guest RSVP and went through over 800 cookies. There were more hugs, smiles, and memories made than we can count.
Thanks for everyone who helped make this day special for our students.

It was a fantastic week at MCE! We can welcome guests into the building, and for that, we are thankful!
Event #1- The MCR-2 Board of Education joined us for breakfast and a facilities tour. They took time out of their busy schedules to learn more about our building and the needs of our students.

It's You Matter Week at MCE! We look forward to seeing you!

Just a reminder, Bobo's Fundraiser forms are due tomorrow, October 14th. Thank you to everyone who helped support our PTO!

Tomorrow is picture day at MCE! You can order at https://www.wagnerportraitgroup.com/
We look forward to seeing your best smile!