
The MIDDLE SCHOOL NURSE would like to share some upcoming health care opportunities for MS students.  Every year the district nurses perform vision screenings and check height and weight on ALL 7th grade students and perform scoliosis screenings on ALL 6th grade students. If you have concerns about your child’s hearing and would like it checked please contact their school nurse.  If you do not want your student to be part of these screenings send a written note to the school nurse prior to the screening date. Screening results will be sent home to parents. 

Again, this year the Montgomery County Health Department will be holding flu clinics at all district buildings.  If you want your child to participate in the flu clinics at the school, you will need to complete a consent and an insurance form.  The information will be e-mailed home and will also be available on the district website or from your school nurse.  Registration will need to be completed one week before the clinic at your students building.   

Our district has been working with Big Smiles traveling dentist for 8 years and have been very happy with the care and services they have provided for our students.  They will be visiting all districts buildings again this year.  If you would like your student to been seen by the dentist, please complete a Big Smiles consent form included in this mailing and return it to the school nurse 2   weeks before the clinic at your students building.

Dates are listed below.  Contact your school nurse with any questions.


Grade 7                                               Week of 9/28 – 10/1/21


Grade 6                                               Week of 9/28 – 10/1/21


Middle and High School                      10/8/2021


Middle School                                      10/27 & 10/28/21    Fall screening

                                                            4/27 & 4/28/22        Spring screening